Sunday, June 24, 2012

A Room of One's Own

Is the title of an essay that comes from Woolf's conception that, 'a woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction.'

Surely that sentiment can't exist in a modern world?

Yesterday, I went to a seminar led by Chrissie Lightfoot, author of The Naked Lawyer.

The exercises she asked the group were thought provoking. She stood up in the hall and announced that she works seven days a week, but she also plays seven days a week. She is focused on her long terms goals but while she is working towards her goal she is still living the lifestyle she wants now.

The exercises we performed on our own forced us to get real. We made a list of our business weaknesses and our personal weakness, but they overlap. We carry the same baggage at home and at work. Chrissie's ethos makes sense.

I'm currently writing my blog in a bowling alley with eight 12 yr olds and two 10 yr olds. I'm ready to smash the machine behind me that has Sooty Show puppets keep asking me if I want to play.

My husband wants to know how I feel about his idea's for our personal brand name. We're been brainstorming none stop since the seminar yesterday.

But I'm still writing. Still pushing towards my goals!

I'm energised, excited and motivated after listening to Chrissie.

Yesterday when I was asked to list my dreams I said what I've been saying since I was three years old, my biggest wish is a room of my own! They laughed.

But standing here in this bowling alley, thinking about Virginia, thinking about Chrissie and all her achievements. Lynne Lister and the successful journey she's made in her life, my dear friend Lynne Stone and other inspiring business women. All I can think about is .... I really wish I had a f****** room of my own!

1 comment:

  1. I love it Charlotte, trouble is you should always be careful what you wish for !! Lynne xx
