Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Admitting defeat

I think everyone should experience defeat at least once during their career.
You learn a lot from it.
Lou Holtz

Today I had to admit defeat. Despite once successfully managing to put the
'I write flash fiction' on my blog I've been completely unable to repeat
this minor success and put the Mumsnet and 1000 words badges on. With the
sour taste of defeat I had to ask a technological expert, my husband for
help. He's never put a badge on before. It took him four minutes, including
resizing the 1000 words badge.

Despite waking up early to walk the dog so I could get lots of work done.
(It was a complete waste of time, the dog didn't want to go out in the rain.
I could have enjoyed another hour's sleep!) I have had a less than
productive day. I was given hundreds of old writing magazines. Kind but what
to do with them? So I have gone through all the old mags, ripped out all
useful articles to put in a file for my writing group. I also listed all the
writing exercises and anything else that may be useful. I expected it to
take an hour - it took four!

Then when I decided to finally get round to doing the writing I wanted to
do, the dog decided it did in fact want to go on a walk. Who is the owner
here? Next answering emails, proof reading for others...before you know it,
the majority of the day is gone. I haven't written a word and I feel myself
sliding into old patterns of allowing myself to being distracted by the
small stuff.

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