Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Z is for a Zero Draft

The theme of my a to z challenge was macro editing. Hopefully, if you have popped by from time to time you would have realised that the difference between the professional and the amateur is the revision process. 

Fifteen years ago I thought editing was checking for spelling mistakes. In reality when we sit down to write it's with an idea. We jump in happy and excited. A few problems surface, maybe a few doubts. But we plough on. 

What we have at the end is not a first draft, it's a zero draft. It is all our thoughts and feeling poured onto the page.

Revision makes you a better writer. After each session you learn more. I hope I have given you a few tools to help with that progress. 

I am finishing this challenge with a quote from David Eddings,

"Keep working. Keep trying. Keep believing. You still might not make it, but at least you gave it your best shot. If you don't have calluses on your soul, this isn't for you. Take up knitting instead."


  1. I can't knit, so will read instead. And applaud the work of all of you who give me the education and the delight I find in books. Thank you.

    1. Thanks so much for visiting my site and all the encouragement x

  2. Great final post. And you're right we do tend to start with zero drafts that need to be improved upon before even becoming first drafts.

    LittleCely's Blog

  3. I can't knit so I better keep working on the writing LOL. What a great quote, I love it.
    And I love the term zero draft - how perfect. I'm glad I met you through the Challenge!

  4. When I revise, I tend to rewrite sections. But I don't drastically change the manuscript itself.

  5. Many thanks for a great A to Z. I am currently editing a book and it will probably end up looking nothing like what I started with at this rate. However, I am determined to do a good job, and your posts have helped. Many thanks!

  6. Thanks for sharing all your tips and check lists this month - they will prove really useful in my editing process :) I look forward to your future blog posts :)

    Sophie's Thoughts & Fumbles - A to Z Ghosts
    Fantasy Boys XXX - A to Z Drabblerotic

    1. Sophie you have been a star and such a positive influence during this challenge, I don't know how I would have done it without you x

  7. You had a wonderful theme. I'm sorry that I didn't get to all your posts. Maybe when the "madness" has passed, I'll get to read the rest of your posts.
    Congratulations on crossing the A to Z finishing line!
    Keep in touch!
    Writer In Transit

  8. Congratulations on staying with the challenge! Thanks for sharing such helpful ideas and thoughts. Looking forward to more of your posts in the future :)

  9. Aloha! I'm not sure how you commented on my Maui Jungalow Blog for bananas, but it DIDN'T show on my page. I used a plug in called Disqus. Since you use blogger also, I'm surprised it did that. But I did find it today.

    Mahalo! Thank you in Hawaiian.

    Congrats on finishing! Sorry it took so long to find you! I also got busy mid month.
    Love the quote by David.
    Maui Jungalow

    1. I got better as the month went on, I'm so glad you found it xxx

  10. Loved this quote. I don't knit either, but nor do I write books.I did enjoy David Eddings books.

    Glad you made it to the end of the Challenge.

  11. Thank you for a great set of posts for the whole month! Concise, wide-ranging, and truly, truly helpful.

    And congratulations, of course, for completing the challenge.

  12. Thanks for stopping by, well done x
